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Discover the magical filaments of SIKENHO!

Is one colour too boring for you? Then let yourself be enchanted by the shimmering SIKENHO Silk PLA filaments! The unique colour combinations in the filament can be used to create extraordinary models that are sure to attract everyone's attention.

Shiny Silk

Unlike other multicolor filaments, the transitions of SIKENHO silk pla filament are NOT fluid, the color change happens rather gradually, so that small objects can have a single color. However, you would get a complete discoloration when you print a 120g object.

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This revolutionary gradient PLA filament combines 5 or more colors, multicolor rainbow Silk PLA filament color change fast, allow you to print multicolor in one 3D printed item-about 250g with multi-colors of Silk, every of which will feature on your finished print.

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This revolutionary color-blending PLA combines two colors (blue and rhodamine red) per pla 1.75mm filament to produce parts that display a different color front to back, and blend those colors on the sides. such materials have an extremely shiny surface finish.

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Every spool's color(4 spools*200g) actually include a blend of 2-3 different colors, both of which will feature on your finished print. By rotating the part to a different orientation you can completely change the visible color. Ideal for test proofing.

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Meet the internet's favorite filament.